Members of the advisory board for the RATOM project are listed below in alphabetical order.
Euan Cochrane
Digital Preservation Manager, Yale University Library
Euan Cochrane is the digital preservation manager at Yale University Library. In this role he leads a team that provides comprehensive digital preservation services across the libraries, archives, and museums at Yale University. Euan is also passionate about emulation and software preservation and has been awarded a number of grants for projects and programs of work that are seeking to expand access to emulation infrastructure. Euan is originally from New Zealand and as a result enjoys complaining about Rugby.
Kevin DeVorsey
Senior Electronic Records Policy Analyst, National Archives and Records Administration
Kevin L. De Vorsey is Senior Electronic Records Policy Analyst for the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). He is a member of the team that is responsible for developing electronic records management guidance and regulations for Federal Agencies. Prior to joining NARA he was employed as the digital preservation analyst in the National Digital Heritage Archive of the National Library of New Zealand and as a systems analyst at the American Museum of Natural History. He received an MLIS from the Pratt Institute in 2005.
Glynn Edwards
Assistant Director of Special Collections, Stanford University
Glynn Edwards is currently the Assistant Director of Special Collections at Stanford University. Her background in History and Archives Management has allowed her to explore the realms of digitization and processing as well as computational analysis. Notably, she is the Project Director for ePADD, Email: Process, Appraise, Discover, Deliver. ePADD is an open source software that makes email archives accessible for research purposes. This project began in 2013 and is currently in Phase 2. Prior to the 10 years she has been at Stanford, Glynn has held the title of Associate Head of Collection Services at the Schlesinger Library Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University.
Matthew Farrell
Digital Records Archivist, Duke University
Matthew Farrell is the Digital Records Archivist with Duke University Archives, part of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. For the BitCurator Consortium, he serves on both the Executive Council and Program Committee. Since 2016, he has served as instructor for the Society of American Archivists’ Digital Archives Specialist curriculum. He holds an MLS with a concentration in Archives & Records Management from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science. His research interests include social media collecting and use, leveraging digital forensic reports for archival description and discovery, and the inclusion of independently-created software and scripts in archival collections.
Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig
Digital Archivist, Smithsonian Institution Archives
Lynda Schmitz Fuhrig is Digital Archivist at the Smithsonian Institution Archives. She is responsible for the preservation and accessibility of the Smithsonian’s born-digital official records that are accessioned from across the Institution. In 2005 she was hired to work as project archivist for the Smithsonian Institution Archives on its Collaborative Electronic Records Project (CERP). This three-year pilot resulted in tools and processes for the long-term preservation of email accounts. As archivist, she participates in digital curation and preservation projects that include websites, social media accounts, video, images, audio, and other formats. She is a member of the Smithsonian’s Research Data Management Pilot Project that launched in 2017 and the Smithsonian Digitization Program Advisory Committee 3D Subcommittee. She also is a member of the Federal Web Archiving Working Group and authored a federal case history for FADGI’s Creating and Archiving Born Digital Video. Other memberships include the Society of American Archivists (SAA) and Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC). Prior to working at the Smithsonian, she was a journalist and editorial library director at various newspapers and a wire service in Illinois, Washington, D.C., and Virginia. Lynda received a Bachelor’s degree in Print Communications from Bradley University in Peoria, Ill., and Master’s degree in History from the University of Illinois-Springfield.
Kathleen Jordan
Digital Initiatives and Web Services Manager, Library of Virginia
Kathy Jordan is the Digital Initiatives & Web Services Manager at the Library of Virginia (LVA), the state library and archives of the commonwealth. A graduate of Lafayette College, in Easton, Pennsylvania, she arrived at LVA in September 2000, after completing her MA in history from Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA) and her MLIS from Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ).
Ms. Jordan has a broad range of experience working in research and reference, archives and electronic records, web development, digital collections, user engagement, strategic planning, and project management. She leads inter- departmental teams on major efforts such as governor’s electronic records projects; LVA’s crowdsourcing programming; a major microfilm reformatting initiative; and the implementation of new discovery, collections management, and digital preservation systems.
Joanne Kaczmarek
Associate Professor / Archivist for Electronic Records, University of Illinois
Joanne Kaczmarek was hired at a time when the University Archives needed someone who could engage with the administration and advocate for the Archives’ interests in retaining electronic records having long- term value. This was particularly important as the enterprise system, BANNER, was just being rolled out. Unfortunately, the project was already underway when she began her position and it had been scoped without consideration for the concerns of the archivists. So Joanne’s approach for advocating for retaining electronic records having long-term value was to make the case for supporting a trusted digital repository while simultaneously building up the records and information management program.
Along the way she have been actively engaged in various research projects related to electronic records and digital preservation. Joanne had the opportunity to work with teams of researchers on project funded by both the Library of Congress and the National Archives and Records Administration. Today, she is working on an NHPRC-funded project with the Illinois State Archives. In this project the research team is testing whether the use of software tools that have predictive coding capabilities may be helpful to an archivist when reviewing and appraising email. So far the experiences have been promising. But they are just ending the second year of a three year project and so do not yet have any conclusions.
Nonetheless, she is hopeful this work will open up some new possibilities for the selection and appraisal of digital content for the archival community.
Kate Murray
Digital Projects Coordinator, Digital Collections Management and Services, Library of Congress
Kate Murray is the Digital Projects Coordinator in the Digital Collections Management and Services at the Library of Congress where she leads the Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) Audio-Visual Working Group and the Sustainability of Digital Formats website. Prior to joining the Library of Congress, Kate was the Digitization Process Development Specialist at the National Archives and Records Administration specializing in standardizing and documenting moving image and audio formats. Previous affiliations include the University of Maryland Libraries, Emory University Libraries, University of Cape Town Libraries and NYU Libraries. Kate is a member of AMIA (Preservation Committee co-chair 2010-2013), IASA (Technical Committee member), SMPTE, ISO/TC171/SC2 (PDF standards committees) and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34/JWG 7 (EPUB standards committee). She was the co-chair of the Mellon Foundation/Digital Preservation Coalition’s Task Force on Technical Approaches to Email Archiving, co-coordinator of the 2015 Archiving Email Symposium, co-coordinator of the 2017 Architecture, Design and Engineering Asset Summit Symposium and co-coordinator of Born to Be 3D in 2018. Kate received her undergraduate degree in Medieval Literature from Columbia University and her MBIBL from the University of Cape Town.
Justin Simpson
Managing Director , Artefactual
Justin Simpson is the Managing Director of Artefactual Systems Inc. He has worked with cultural heritage organisations across the world, helping to define and implement digital preservation software systems based on the open source Archivematica project. Since 2012 Justin has lead the design and development processes for most new Archivematica features, including the Appraisal Tab, a digital curation tool that allows for interactive appraisal of digital content within Archivematica. He has participated in several international projects in the digital curation community, including the Pericles Project (, EAST (Email Archiving Stewardship Tools project, sponsored by Harvard University Library), Beyond the Repository ( and the Preservation Action Registry project
Justin is an advocate for open and collaborative creative processes and promotes open source software at every opportunity. He lives in New Westminster, BC, Canada
Yue Wang
Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Yue Wang is a tenure-track faculty member in the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
He is broadly interested in text mining and applied machine learning. His research focuses on developing principled interactive machine learning approaches that reduce human analysts’ information processing workload. His work is motivated by and applied to various data mining problems, including high-recall information retrieval, clinical natural language processing, and qualitative content analysis. He publishes in prestigious venues in both computer science and health informatics, includingSIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), Journal and Annual Symposium of American Medical Informatics Association.
He and his collaborators won the first place in Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) 2013 Microblog Track. He received the Best Paper Award and Outstanding Reviewer Award in WSDM 2016. He recently defended his PhD thesis at the University of Michigan, entitled “Interactive Machine Learning with Applications in Health Informatics”. He received dual Master’s degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Electrical and Computer Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Information Security from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Carl Wilson
Technical Lead, OPF Open Preservation Foundation (UK)
Carl Wilson is the Technical Lead for the Open Preservation Foundation. Prior to that, he worked for The British Library’s Digital Preservation Team on internal and external projects, including a spell as Technical Coordinator for the SCAPE project. He spent three years as Technical Lead on the Planets project, developing the Interoperability Framework and Service Interface definitions. He also helped organize and run the Planets Service Developer’s Workshops. Carl particularly enjoys hackathon style events, and is a regular attendee at OPF events, as well as those which were organized as part of the SPRUCE and AQuA projects.